On Tuesday 5th March, Dunwich State School students and community celebrated the unveiling of our new school bus 'Jarjum Journey'.
Our school hosted dignitaries from Transit Systems, who have generously provided a brand-new school bus that will be used for our morning and afternoon bus runs. This unveiling was not just a positive celebration of a new resource but also the collaboration, unity and generosity within our community.
The sleek design of the bus, which beautifully matches our new school uniforms, impressed all of our students. We heard their proud cheers and welcome applause as it drove through our gates and onto the oval.
It was an honour to have the Elders join us for this event. Thank you to all parents, carers and members of our school community who joined us for this significant occasion.
Big congratulations to Nathaniel Chapman for his beautiful design that was created in collaboration with our students. We acknowledge Len Kidd (GM Transit Systems QLD) and Shaun Gannon (Operations Manager, Stradbroke Island) and Ben Renwick (GM SEQld Sealink) on their collaboration and support.