Wow! What an incredible end to our first full week back in 2024! Today, our students, staff and Elders all received a new DSS uniform shirt.
In Term 4, 2023, our DSS students had many opportunities to share with Miss Kiana what they believed connects them to Dunwich SS and the community.
Staff and Elders were also involved in giving feedback.
Nathanial Chapman did a workshop with our students to discuss art elements, which he later combined with their ideas to create a collaborative art piece. ‘Yilay’ captured this artwork to make and produce these beautiful shirts for our students at Dunwich State School.
Taking the time to ensure this process was done in the best way, is a reflection of the beautiful shirts and pride the kids have wearing them today.
A massive thank you to Jesse Green, owner of Yilay, who came to our school today to personally deliver the shirts.